Legal Notice

According to § 5 TMG
Upsala-Circus gGmbH Steinsgraben 39 06712 Zeitz
Email: Website:

Represented by
Vera Zhukova

Registered in the Commercial Register Court of registration: Amtsgericht Stendal Registration number: HRB 33520

Bank Details
IBAN: DE90800530001131063810 BIC: NOLADE21BLK Sparkasse Burgenlandkreis

Tax Number

Responsible for Content According to § 55 Para. 2 RStV
Vera Zhukova
Steinsgraben 39
06712 Zeitz

Dispute Resolution
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR): can find our email address in the legal notice above.
We are not willing or obligated to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Liability for Content
The contents of our pages have been created with the greatest care. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of the content.

Liability for Links
Our website contains links to external third-party websites, over whose content we have no influence. For the content of linked pages, the respective provider or operator of the pages is always responsible.