from 10 y. o.
tour 2024
Let me tell you all about "Suitcases" Telegram


All stories will remain anonymous forever. They will be needed for research into the social changes associated with migration processes. Some stories may also be used anonymously in our performances or published in our library of migrant stories.
Premiere of "Suitcases"

What experiences are packed in your suitcase? What journey has this suitcase taken you on? What will you leave inside, and what will you try to get rid of? Who will you and your suitcase meet along the way, and how will that encounter change your life? And the most important question: Is moving something tragic, or is it simply a step into a new life? Is moving necessary for personal growth, or is it just a part of life?
The performance "Suitcases" is a collection of short circus stories that emerged from a series of workshops.

Four performers will use circus genres — acrobatics, juggling, diabolo, and modern dance — to analyze the situations of the last two years and to ask themselves: "What will I find in my suitcase, and will it help me continue my journey in a new world, or will it leave me frozen in anticipation?
Praga Centrum
Szwedzka 2/4
Hala 10
from 10 y.o.
CK Vlada Divljan
Mitropolita Petra, 8
from 10 y.o.
We believe in talking to children about important matters, which is why this performance is suitable for both adults and children.
We often welcome younger children who are ready for loud, sudden sounds. We set a recommendation for the audience to be 10 years and older, but leave the decision for children to attend the performance up to their parents.

And what life put in your Suitcase?

Moving is always a very exciting process, especially if you are moving to a country you have never been to before. Moving also helps you to realise what is really important to you. When I moved, I left a lot of junk in the old place, a sort of purging of junk. I put a diabolo, diabolo sticks, a couple of spare parts and some thread in my suitcase. A couple of T-shirts from the circus, pictures of my friends and my cat.
In my suitcase I would like to put: my favorite talisman toy, a mug from which it tastes best to drink, a large blanket, a painted brick wall that I pass every day, a cozy kitchen, the very day when my cheeks hurt from smiling, my friends, my favorite coffee shop, family. “You have excess baggage”, I will hear at the airport. And I will go with one backpack - towards a new stage of life.
What important things are in your “suitcase”?
Memories, toys, feelings, ghosts of the past, hopes for the future, living in the present, light or heavy?
Can you control it all or is it better to relax and let go?
Do you need to let go of the past to move on, or is it strangling you with a rope?
When you run away, you don't know what to take with you. You want to take everything and nothing.
It's not you packing your suitcase, it's your fear, panic, and intuition. Intuition is the most important thing, because you don't know what you will need on this unplanned trip.
And maybe in a few weeks you will be saved by a ping pong ball with messages written by someone important to you who is now far away. But if you packed your suitcase in time, you're already lucky!