Here are English translations of the texts heard in the play "Windows".

To make it easier for you to navigate, each block is named not by the content of the text, but by what is happening on stage at that moment.

Kids, the marketplace

What is special about a marketplace? There is something there that cannot be bought anywhere else. And because that's the case, you meet neighbors and friends at a market who also go there for the same reason. Price and quality play a decisive role for the market. The market must be profitable for both sellers and buyers, one or both parties gone. The market days on Wednesdays and Saturdays brought us particular pleasure.
The Neumarkt, where the hustle and bustle took place, is only two minutes away from the Ritterstrasse. Since the Zeitz city fathers have rejuvenated and modernized today's Wilhelm Kühlzplatz, I would like to recall the memories of the old Neumarkt of my childhood. There was so much to look at there. The stalls with fruit and flowers depending on the season, the mountains of cabbages and carrots on the ground, baskets full of eggs, flat boxes with silver-grey moldy cheese sticks on a bed of straw. And there was butter. Butter in the form of small pound cakes.
Grilled all around and a sprig with leaves and two cherries pressed in as decoration. Would mother ever be able to buy something so beautiful? We didn't stop long at the cages with chickens and ducks. But we were much more interested in the pig baskets. On Saturdays the farmers brought their piglets to the market. The little animals were in round, flat baskets with lids, crammed together in groups of six or eight, as if in a large pot. Occasionally one would be yanked out by its hind legs and held aloft in praise by its owner to lure purchase. We took advantage of that to quickly get a pink or black spotted squeak from the pig.
For me, the most beautiful thing about the market was the tall, red blossoming chestnut trees that surrounded the square in a semicircle. Also unforgettable is Neptune, which has long since disappeared. On our trips to the market, Kurt and I never failed to pay our respects to Neptune. The fountain was an oval sandstone basin in the middle of the market. A long time ago it might have been a beautiful place, with clear water and goldfish. But than the pool was covered with dark green moss and the water was polluted with paper and market waste.


The narrow, four-story residential and commercial building at Neumarkt 40 still had the old house number 298 in the construction file from 1861. Its external similarity to the neighboring house at number 39 is due to the fact that both houses had the same builder, namely the contemporary master mason Ernst Dorn from the Badstubenvorstadt 11. The house,worth 9.40 marks, was owned in 1866 by master rope maker Mr. Wagner.


Richard Schroeder put the inn in the hands of his son Kurt Schröder in 1926 , who later well-known «Mr. Rope» (Der Strick). With him started a time when the tiny dining room for the meeting place of the time upper class developed . Although it itself in the immediate Vicinity many larger and more magnificent furnished restaurants existed, Richard Schröder's son Kurt made the restaurant what it is today scene pub to name would . Among the regulars at «Strick» were many well-known personalities , including doctors. Dr. Herbert Schwendt , Dr. Paul Scheibe, Dr. Paul Schneider, Dr. Heinrich Frass , Dr. Manufacturers Julius Homburg, Theodor Puklic, Otto Donaflies Hugo Lensen, Max Emmerling and teachers and councilors Kurt Sachse, Albert Schwamberger, Willi Berner and Willi Winkelmann and artists business people Peppi Sacher Buffon at the Zeltzer Theater dialect writer, directors and manager of Sparkasse, C-Mark, Zuckerfabrik, Brabak as well as Landowners and big farmers in the region.

Introducing the characters

  1. In 1926 Kurt Schröder took over the restaurant and made it known as a «Rope» (Das Strick) far beyond Zeitz. For the merchandise, showcases were placed on the façade, where the old ropemakers' saying could also be read: «The small thieves are hung up, the big ones are let go». Who runs the other way round the worlds, was a pure family business. To him belonged the «Rope» (Das Strick) Kurt Schröder, chief.
  2. Mrs. Rope (Mrs Strick). Else Schröder née Hut was the woman in the background and chef.
  3. Stricks sister-in-law Hanny Schramm as everywhere popular Waitress with loose Gusche .
  4. Mother-in-law of knitting, Anna Hut, a good soul, in sales poor time, present always knitting stockings and potholders at the table for two.
  5. Father-in-law of the «Rope» (Strick) Emil Hut, nicknamed the «Maker of Possibilities». As a former coppersmith, he was responsible for repairs, could do everything and was in great demand by guests. He made everything possible, among other things, he sharpened razor blades with a self-made machine, renewed chewed tobacco pipe mouthpieces from ox horns, built Moen and Rapspressen tobacco cutting apparatus for Krüll and fine cut.

The outer walls, the war

Another plane crash occurred in Zeitz. It was a German fighter plane. It circled over Zeitz with two honorable laps and wobbling wings. Probably it wanted to greet someone below, the parents. Suddenly it stalled and we heard a huge explosion. Always following the bang. We stopped at the bridge over the river Aue. Behind the bridge piers, hidden, we saw the collapse site, Elsterwiese. Directly behind the courtyard, Hotel Herold or Löffler. It still crackled from the ammunition carried.

By the way, in the furniture factory Puklic at the Schützenplatz were built aircraft fuselages of plywood.
Mr. B. guest at Strick gave me a wooden model Stuka. I had hung it with a string on the carpet pole in the yard.

Shortly before the end of the war, we experienced a low-flying attack on the freight station from behind the wall at Schwent. Low-flying planes, strafed with machine-guns, the station and the steel ball from the water tower of the locomotive refueling plant. The riddled steel ball looked like a fountain. Water jets sprayed from holes. Things were getting serious. The front moved closer and closer. With the Wasserberg, opposite Blumenheuer, the pavement is torn up and built a barricade with stones, boards, ladder trucks. In the shop window Neumarkt 1, bakery Böhme and Bayer, a machine gun in the direction of Wasserberg brought into position. A long, wailing siren sound signaled the state of emergency.
The rumor spread that if by 3 p.m. Zeitz did not surrender, it would be reduced to rubble.

We went into the cellar. In the basement wall of the neighbor, in Michaelisstraße, a hole had been broken and closed with a twelve wall. In case of crisis, it was an emergency exit. Nothing happened for a while. One heard only the buzzing of airplanes. I went upstairs, through the hallway to the open front door. There I lay down on my stomach and looked outside. Startled, I suddenly saw GIs with MPs in their arms walking close to the walls of the houses on the right and left side of Michaelis Street. On their Kautschugs-Sulen. to the new market come. I quickly returned and took cover at the stairway. The first GI stopped in the front door, put on his MP and fired a fork of tracer ammunition against the sky. I'm sure he wanted to signal that we were there.


After 1989 there was a new opening of the traditional restaurant by Erich Seifert. But the next change of tenants took place a short time later. After the Lob family took over in 2000, the restaurant was called zum bayerischen Strick. But despite their highly praised, hearty cuisine, these entrepreneurs also left the city of Zeitz again in 2005. In 2009, the textile wholesale brand SORT & PEPPER moved briefly into the former restaurant premises. But was quickly gone again.
Who's living in the house now?


The new owner of the house is the Malikov family in 2023. Today, circus artists live in six of seven apartments of the house.
My name is Vlad and I think life should be adventurous.
I am Stasia. My dream is that we all learn to talk to each other.
I am Arina. I love to look out of the window.
I am Gosha. I love to help.
I am Vova. I dream about not being afraid of people.
My name is Sonya, and I'm starting to get to know myself.
My name is Natasha. I dream about people becoming wise.
My name is Mitja. I am always in love with simple melodies.
Hi, I'm Kolya and I want to grow a banana tree.

It’s Important!

If someone dies early, it is said that he has drunk too much. But if one of the old dies, it is said that the wine has preserved him.
We want to continue the tradition of this place, so on September 3 we are opening the circus bar at Neumarkt 40 on an experimental basis. Entrance from the courtyard, follow the signs.
Nice to meet you, let's stay in touch.
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